I don’t have a single photo of any of the parties of my childhood and consequently I can’t remember anything specific about them other than that I had parties. I remember a few of the standard games we played at most every party and that we went ice skating once but other than that, it is all gone. Sure we didn’t do themes, there were no elaborate decorations or cakes and even if we had taken photos they certainly wouldn’t have been Pinterest worthy events, yet I wish I had just one photo from each one to help me remember. When I started having parties for my own children I vowed that I would make it a point to preserve the memories as best I could. I am a journal writer and if nothing else, I have recorded a few details of each party in writing. The photos I took over the years, however, are less impressive. Often I got so caught up in the details of the parties that I missed out on wonderful Kodak moments that I will never happen again. But, the point is, I did take photos. Remember, the photos don’t have to be perfect, even a quick snapshot taken with your phone, is better than nothing. Here are some suggestions to make capturing the memories easier and better:

•Consider getting an adult friend, a sitter, or spouse to take the pictures or videos so you can devote yourself to the children. Yes, you can do it yourself, but you’ll be spreading yourself pretty thin.
•Prepare the area you will be taking pictures by opening all the shades or curtains and turning on as many lights as possible. The more light you have the better quality of your images (this applies to both video and still photography).
•To take a group photo, tell the children you’re going to count to 3 and take one “serious” pose. Next tell them they can be as “goofy” as they want to be while you count again; you’ll probably get two photos worth saving! You can also try to